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  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • installation view of multiple art works in a gallery
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • video installation with three monitors on stands and a rolling chair
    2024 Installation Images - Part II
  • image of a wall hung sculpture and a floor sculpture installed in a gallery
    marta rodríguez maleck
  • image of a large wall hung sculpture
    marta rodríguez maleck
  • image of large floor sculpture on a gallery floor
    marta rodríguez maleck
  • detail image of wall mounted sculpture
    marta rodríguez maleck
  • image of a large installation using strips of tape on the floor of a gallery
    marta rodríguez maleck
  • multiple freestanding floor sculptures and a large ceiling hung sculpture in a gallery
    Ghida Dalloul
  • image of a freestanding sculpture in front of a gallery window
    Ghida Dalloul
  • multiple freestanding floor sculptures and a large ceiling hung sculpture in a gallery
    Ghida Dalloul
  • detail of multiple freestanding floor sculptures and a large ceiling hung sculpture in a gallery
    Ghida Dalloul
  • multiple freestanding floor sculptures and a large ceiling hung sculpture in a gallery
    Ghida Dalloul
  • installation using multiple projections and floor sculptures
    Tairan Hao
  • installation using multiple projections and floor sculptures
    Tairan Hao
  • installation image of a ceiling projection through a wall mounted sculpture
    Tairan Hao
  • installation image of a ceiling projection through a wall mounted sculpture
    Tairan Hao
  • installation using multiple projections and floor sculptures
    Tairan Hao
  • installation image of a video projection and chairs in a darkened gallery space
    Cooper Campbell
  • installation image of a video projection and chairs in a darkened gallery space
    Cooper Campbell
  • installation image of a video projection and chairs in a darkened gallery space
    Cooper Campbell
  • installation image of a video projection and chairs in a darkened gallery space
    Cooper Campbell
  • installation image of a video projection and chairs in a darkened gallery space
    Cooper Campbell
  • video installation with three monitors on stands and a rolling chair
    Emilie Slater
  • video installation with three monitors on stands and a rolling chair
    Emilie Slater
  • video installation with three monitors on stands and a rolling chair
    Emilie Slater
  • video installation with three monitors on stands and a rolling chair
    Emilie Slater
  • two large format photographs installed on a gallery wall
    Jewan Goo
  • image of a large scale photograph installed on a gallery wall
    Jewan Goo
  • image of a large scale photograph installed on a gallery wall
    Jewan Goo
  • installation image of two large scale photographs and a floor sculpture
    Jewan Goo
  • installation image of a small scale projection and camera on a table
    Jacob Weinberg
  • installation image of two small scale projections and cameras on two tables
    Jacob Weinberg
  • installation image of a small scale projection and camera on a table
    Jacob Weinberg
  • detail of a small scale projection and camera on a table
    Jacob Weinberg
  • installation image of a small scale projection and camera on a table
    Jacob Weinberg
  • video installation using three monitors installed in a gallery corner
    Gayoung Lee
  • image of two monitors installed on a gallery wall
    Gayoung Lee
  • detail of a three monitor video installation
    Gayoung Lee
  • video installation using three monitors installed in a gallery corner
    Gayoung Lee
  • video installation using three monitors installed in a gallery corner
    Gayoung Lee
  • image of an installation using a radio on a gallery bench
    Alicia Riccio
  • image of an installation using a radio on a gallery bench
    Alicia Riccio
  • installation image of a microphone on a stand in a gallery
    Alicia Riccio
  • detail image of a microphone on a stand in a gallery
    Alicia Riccio
  • detail image of a radio transmitter in a gallery
    Alicia Riccio
  • image of an installation using a radio on a gallery bench
    Alicia Riccio
  • installation image of multiple paintings installed in a gallery
    Cicada Chen
  • image of a painting installed on a gallery wall
    Cicada Chen
  • image of a painting installed on a gallery wall
    Cicada Chen
  • image of a painting installed on a gallery wall
    Cicada Chen
  • image of a painting installed on a gallery wall
    Cicada Chen